Dare Mighty Things Announces Tech In Motion as Media Partner

Dare Mighty Things is excited to announce that we've added Tech in Motion a media partner for our world class conference happening this Fall in Chicago.

As one of the largest tech meetups in Chicago with 7,000 members, they bring the community together to meet, learn, and innovate.

Tech In Motion started as a collaborative project between Jobspring Partners and Workbridge Associates, has since grown internationally to 70,000 members across 11 major cities, including Boston, New York, SF, LA, Dallas, Toronto & more.

I attended their Timmy Awards event last week, and met so many awesome people there (including the meetup organizers)!

If you're in Chicago and love tech, you should sign up now for their Machine Learning & drinks meetup, which happens 13 days after our conference.

Community is the foundation of everything we do and believe in at Dare Mighty Things.

With 7000 members, Tech In Motion is doing a phenomenal job of bringing people together here in Chicago and beyond.

That's exactly why we're excited to have them as a media partner for our incredible conference.