
"....one of the
world's most inspiring
tech conferences."

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As Seen In

Dare Mighty Things

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One of
"4 Tech Conferences You Can't Afford To Miss"

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How do you get people
to do things they thought
weren't possible?

You show them examples of those who did the 'impossible'.
That is the purpose of Dare Mighty Things.
Join us this fall to hear 10 inspiring stories from the world's most influential innovators who never gave up.
They built FLYING CARS, they traveled to SPACE, they built SIRI....
They Dare Mighty Things.....
...and YOU can too.
850+ tech executives, engineers, founders & media - they'll all be here.
Where will you be?
News Coming Soon

Hit play. You'll love this :)

Be the first to know about news, speakers, registration options & more
News Coming soon - be the first to know about news, speakers, registration options & more.
Be the first to know about news, speakers, registration options & more